Humpback Whales are iconic giants of our oceans. I first picked up one from probably a mile and a half away and was able to put Pinky on them from the water pouting with the naked eye! We tried to then move round to where we thought they were with no success so moved to a layby over looking the Sound of Mousa. The views were incredible, if a little distant but as you can see from these record shots- they are massive.
I have only had poor views from a speed boat off Rotnest Island, Perth in Australia with my good pal Dom previously and I have craved more ever since- including the iconic tail views. I have kept an eye on Humpbacks in Shetland in the past, with November seeing the pair (perhaps the same pair we saw today?) return the past few years and Orcas also appearing then; the double act has been very tempting!
We only arrived on Shetland today so to have these outstanding views of two Humpbacks, two Minke Whales and 10+ Harbour Porpoises (plus distant Dolphin sp- perhaps White-beaked) has been incredible. But like many, these views of Humpbacks, are a massive tick off the bucket list. Once again Shetland has delivered a Cetacean bucket list tick after the Orcas in 2018. What a place! And what a group of marine animals!