Thursday, 27 February 2025

Barn Owls and Roads – A Deadly Combination

Barn Owls are one of Britain’s most iconic and mesmerising birds, their ghostly white shape drifting silently over fields and fens at dusk. However, their beauty and unique hunting style put them in grave danger when it comes to roads.

While out with my camera recently, I captured a couple of photos of Barn Owls flying over and alongside a road—an all too familiar sight, and a stark reminder of why so many are tragically hit by cars. These birds often hunt low over grass verges, where the shorter grass attracts small mammals such as voles and mice. With their focus locked onto the ground below, they are often unaware of the fast-moving traffic around them until it’s too late.

If you're driving in rural areas, particularly near farmland and wetlands, slowing down at dawn and dusk can make all the difference. Small actions like these can help protect one of our most enchanting birds and prevent unnecessary loss.

It’s always a privilege to watch these owls in action, but it’s bittersweet knowing that their breathtaking flight is often cut short by human activity. Hopefully, with greater awareness and conservation efforts, we can reduce the number of Barn Owls lost to our roads.

Have you ever had a close encounter with a Barn Owl while driving? Share your experiences in the comments below.

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Long-tailed Tit

Last autumn, I spent countless hours exploring my local patch, hoping to spot a Yellow-browed Warbler. While I didn’t have any luck finding one, I was rewarded with the chance to photograph Long-tailed Tits as they flitted through the trees in their roaming flocks. A great reminder that even when the target bird doesn’t appear, there’s always something special to capture in nature.

Sunday, 23 February 2025

Evening Owl Encounters Away from the Crowds

With the evenings getting lighter, I’ve finally been able to head out with my camera after work. This week, I managed to find some Short-eared Owls away from the busy crowds of Deeping Highbank, making for a much more peaceful and rewarding experience.

Amy and I were treated to some incredible close-up views of one particularly obliging Short-eared Owl—the best yet! Hopefully, there will be more unforgettable encounters to come as the season continues.

Friday, 21 February 2025

An Owl Winter

I've been really enjoying getting out with the camera after work this week. With the days slowly getting longer, it’s been great to spend some time watching the local wildlife as dusk settles in.

It's not just a good winter for Short-eared Owls—Barn Owls and Kestrels also seem to be thriving. Their numbers are higher than usual, likely thanks to an abundance of voles this year. Watching these incredible birds hunting over the fields has been a real highlight, with plenty of opportunities to capture some fantastic moments on camera.

Looking forward to seeing what the rest of the season brings!

And yes, I'm aware the first photo bears more than a passing resemblance to my logo!

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

From the achieves No 12.....

It may not be from the distant past, but I’ve only just had the chance to look at my Pallas’s Warbler photos from Ferry Meadows in December last year. This one-day stayer was a complete surprise to all of us keen Peterborough birders, capping off a remarkable year of rare bird sightings in the area.

This was my fifth new species in the Peterborough area in 2024—a fantastic way to round off an exciting year of birding! It was amazing to see this Siberian seven-striped sprite so close to the heart of the city, a rare treat for local birdwatchers and wildlife photographers alike.

Have you ever been lucky enough to spot a Pallas’s Warbler in the UK?

Monday, 17 February 2025

More Short-eared Owls

Still going through the mountain of images I have taken of these birds so far this month. Hopefully more to come!

Sunday, 16 February 2025

Winter Thrushes in the sunshine

Lovely to see winter thrushes in the sunshine this weekend. I haven't seen many Redwings lately, so it was great to spot a few alongside the Fieldfares, both feeding on worms in a grassy field. These beautiful migratory birds won’t be here for much longer, as our winter visitors will soon begin their long journey northward for the summer.

If you're lucky, you might still catch a glimpse of these seasonal birds in open countryside, parks, or gardens before they leave. Keep an eye out for their distinctive markings and listen for their calls while they're still around!

Thursday, 13 February 2025

Battling Short-eared Owls

The Short-eared Owls performed really well last week and occasionally engaged in battles over airspace. Fantastic birds, and it was great to hear their calls.

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Male Hen Harrier

I was surprised to see the male Hen Harrier that's been roosting at Willow Tree Fen while looking for the owls last week. It was very distant from my position, but some lucky people had a stunning fly-by!

Sunday, 9 February 2025

Dream Garden Bird!

Another of the Hampton Black Redstart from last weekend. Would be great to see one on my garden fence!

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Stunning male Black Redstart!


Fantastic find by Mike Weedon by Beeby's Pit on Sunday, Just a stones throw away from the 1st winter/female that's also wintering at CEGB reservoir. 

Sunday, 2 February 2025

Short-eared Owl Dive

This weekend, I spent some time watching the local Short-eared Owls, and what a sight they were! Judging by the high numbers of Kestrels and Barn Owls around this winter, it must be a good vole year, and the Short-eared Owls seem to be making the most of it.

At one location alone, there was an incredible nine Short-eared Owls hunting together. These striking winter visitors are always a highlight of the colder months, and with such high numbers around, I’m looking forward to capturing more of their aerial prowess over the coming weeks.

Hopefully, time allows for plenty more encounters as the season continues!