Thursday 18 July 2024

Springtime Long-eared Owls

Earlier this spring, I captured photos of two adult Long-eared Owls in a nearby woodland. Watching their evening routines, from their elegant displays to an intense encounter with an intruding owl, was a photographer's dream. These images showcase the beauty and behaviour of Long-eared Owls in their natural habitat. 

Sunday 14 July 2024

Tooth and Claw

Local Bird of the Year? Stone Curlew


Early bird gets the worm! At 7am, my friend Hugh Wright casually posted on our local birding WhatsApp group that he had found a Stone Curlew at Etton & Maxey Pits. An absolute mega record, with perhaps just one confirmed local sighting previously. It remained all day, and I enjoyed some exceptional views of this fantastic bird yesterday evening.

Saturday 13 July 2024

Surprising Summer Sightings: Short-Eared Owls in Fenland

This summer has seen good numbers of Short-eared Owls around my fenland home. Typically, these magnificent yellow-eyed owls are winter visitors, but this year has provided some fantastic opportunities for photography.

One of the most memorable moments was capturing a Short-eared Owl perched on a post adorned with spring blossom. This is not a scene I would usually have the chance to photograph in winter, making it a special highlight of this summer's wildlife photography.

Thursday 11 July 2024

More Badgers


A few weeks ago, I had the unique opportunity to observe badgers up close. These wonderful creatures came as close as 7 feet away, allowing for an intimate glimpse into their world. Badgers are typically elusive, making this experience all the more special.

Tuesday 9 July 2024

Lapwing Family Caught in a Summer Rainstorm

Summer rainstorms can be sudden and intense, and during one such storm, I came across a Lapwing protecting its chicks. The sight was both amusing and endearing, as the young Lapwings, almost too large to fit, huddled under their parent's wings. Their fluffy backsides stuck out comically, creating a memorable and charming scene.

Sunday 7 July 2024

Greedy Bunting


Male Reed Bunting, collecting insects at Deeping Lakes.

Friday 5 July 2024

Exploring Otter

This Otter is presumably a dog, exploring a well used part of the Welland, where I saw a couple of families as well as this dog during the spring. Check out all the fishes jumping when it enters the river!

Thursday 4 July 2024

Young Peregrine

I paid a dawn visit to the Peregrine Falcon family in Yaxley this weekend and was lucky enough to find one of the youngsters low down, perched on St Peter's Church. Shortly afterwards, I found the male Peregrine Falcon plucking prey, which he then fed to this youngster after having his fill. Witnessing these intimate moments in nature is always a privilege.

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Lovely Little Owl

The South Lincolnshire fens are home to a fascinating pair of Little Owls that have been captivating my attention since the spring. These diminutive birds, with their distinctive, piercing eyes and speckled feathers, are a delight to observe and photograph. Despite their small size, Little Owls are full of character, and with patience, they can be approached quite closely, allowing for some stunning photographic opportunities.

Sunday 30 June 2024

Badger close up

Thanks to Iain Toombs' kindness, I spent a couple of unforgettable evenings in one of his hides, specifically designed for observing and photographing Badgers. Positioned just 7 feet away, I was able to witness a family of Badgers in their natural habitat. The highlight of the evening was an older cub, who ventured close enough for me to capture some incredible images.

Photographing Badgers presents several challenges due to their nocturnal and secretive nature. Patience is key, as these animals are wary of humans. The use of hides is essential to avoid disturbing their natural behaviour and to get close enough for detailed shots.

More to follow.

Friday 28 June 2024

More Night Heron

Some more of the Night Heron at the weekend, on Cowbit washes. 

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Rare Heron visits Cowbit Washes


Just a few photos of the 2nd summer Night Heron (3rd calendar year bird) on Cowbit washes in south Lincolnshire. Fantastic find by Mike Weedon and the first in the area since 2011, when Mike and I twitched Bob Titman's bird at Bainton GP. These were taken in the 'golden hour' on Saturday and Sunday. 

More photos to follow.

Sunday 23 June 2024

Close encounters of a Brock kind...

Thanks to Iain Toombs and his incredible hide, I have enjoyed a couple of evenings in the presence of a Badger family in the past week. This near fully grown cub was fearless compared to it's siblings and parents but at one point we had three Badgers just seven feet away. A magical experience I will never forget. More photos to follow.

Tuesday 21 May 2024

Deeping Lakes Black Tern flock

Been a spell since a flock of Black Terns has graced Deeping Lakes, which was such a good site for this stunning passage bird, back in the day. This flock of six birds spent the afternoon of the 11th May on East Pit, until dusk. 

Friday 3 May 2024

Arctic Terns at Deeping Lakes

It's been the best spring for inland Arctic Tern migration for a fair few years and today, a lunch time visit to my patch, Deeping Lakes, produced a flock of 42 newly arrived Arctic Terns. This is the biggest flock I have seen on the patch and pretty impressive, considering that only one bird was seen in the whole of the Peterborough area last year. 

After bird flu hitting the UK population so hard in recent years, I did wonder if I would ever see Arctic Tern at Deeping Lakes again- so this flock was an absolute treat and one of my patch highlights of the year so far!