Sunday 21 October 2018

The Cat that got the Cornish Cream....

Today was mostly spent driving the 800 mile round trip to Land's End in my favourite English county, Kernow. This Catbird is only the 2nd of Britain after one in Wales in October 2001 and having been present since Monday and a clear night Saturday night/Sunday morning, Kev DuRose and I were not hopeful as we sat in Exeter services car park awaiting news. But such is the power of social media that at about 8.45 I saw a message on twitter saying 'Catbird still here'... 29 seconds ago!

The bird showed well at times, alerting us to it's presence by calling it's cat like calls but generally was elusive and was invisible most of the time we were there hence the reason for the above 'samey' shots.

On the way home we called into Croft Pascoe Pool on the Lizard for Vagrant Emperor dragonflies which were no doubt dragged up from Africa last weekend during those very warm hurricane winds. There were 10-15 individuals present with amazing a few pairs ovipositing! Below is a terrible, terrible record shot of a pair.....

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